!! All the beautiful dress is made by PTylo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my first time use sims2 to make sims, it look's not beautiful....
I will back to make a new one for my Hakuouki sims
I'm sooo happy that befor sleep i still have a little bit time to play sims2
and I make two Hakuouki sims :]
it is really hard that everything just strat from ''0''
I need to find lot's of hair, makeup ,skintone,dress
I hope they all in japanese style > <
They look great. My links list has a lot of great sites that offer sims 2 stuff. You might find some great stuff you will like.
They are adorable.
I also get a bunch of stuff from here: http://www.simscave.com/index.php?board=48.0
回覆刪除You may need to register to view the stuff, I am not sure but it is free to register and you can go on downloading spree. They have stuff from sites such as Gamesir, Netshow, Naver, and so on.
oh! thank you soooooo much!
回覆刪除I will start to downloading ALL XDDDDDDDDDD
I have go to school now :]
I hope you have a nice day! and I can back home without homework XD
Have a good day at school. :-)
回覆刪除Hello Emily:
回覆刪除I just wanted to post to let you know that the links are outdated and are taking people to a rather unsavory page that includes an iffy adfly page. I am trying to contact everyone that has outdated links for my old url. My Hakuouki Sims 2 stuff can be found here: http://ptylos.wordpress.com/?s=hakuoki
I hope you are doing well. I miss hearing from you. :-)