Finally Finally !!!!
PTylo's beautiful and amazing Hakuoki western outfits is uplode :]
Ptylo's blogI'm soooo happy that I don't want sleep !! even class in on 8:00am
The outfut are perfact and fit !!
I just can't put more picture because I still need go to sleep now = =
Well ~ I will keep update next part and star writing story!
Oh! If u want see all pictures pealse go to my
pixnet blog :]
Your sims look great. I am glad you like them. :-)
回覆刪除Thank you :]
回覆刪除I'm writing the story about them now~
I worry about the ''Late Nigh''
I heard that their are lot's mods can't use!
especially skintone!!!!
Yeah the skin tones one is rough. Before my power went out I did manage to get into game briefly and my sims are alright but I only have access to three custom skin tones without the skin tone slider hack. I do not dare to play any of them though until that is fixed. I like my custom skin tones.
回覆刪除You can still use the skin tones. When you click on them, you can use your mouse scroll wheel to go through them all and your custom skin tones will be there.